Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Young Lives On Hold: The College Dreams of Undocumented Students

The United States and Immigration: 
  • The United States is in the midst of the largest migratory wave in history: 
  • Since the 1990s, more than 1 million new immigrants have arrived each year.
  • A total of approximately 38 million immigrants live in the U.S. — about three times the number of transnational immigrants in the world’s second-largest country of immigration, the Russian Federation.
Unauthorized Immigration
  • Nearly one-third of the immigrant population of the United States is now undocumented, by far the largest number (and proportion) in U.S. immigration history.
  • In total, the number is approximately 12 million unauthorized persons.

Children of Immigrants:
  • More than 70 million people in the United States are immigrants, or the children of immigrants. 
  • Children of immigrants are now the fastest-growing sector of the child population in the United States.
  • Approximately 2 million children are in the United States as undocumented immigrants
Undocumented Students:
  • About 65,000 undocumented children who have lived in the United States for five years or longer graduate from high school each year. 
  • Although they can legally attend most colleges, they are not eligible for most forms of financial aid. 
  • Given the opportunity to receive additional education and move into better-paying jobs, undocumented
    students could pay more in taxes and have more money to spend and invest in the U.S. economy.
Learn more by reading Young Lives On Hold: The College Dreams of Undocumented Students.

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